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Name: Brown, Denise
Current Position: Director

A 30-year veteran of the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), Denise D. Brown returned to the DCA after being appointed director by Governor Jerry Brown on January 9, 2012.

Brown, who has a bachelor of arts degree from California State University, Sacramento, joined the department in 1977 as a legislative aid and became deputy chief of its Division of Consumer Affairs in 1981, where she remained until 1983. She worked in multiple positions at the department’s Board of Barbering and Cosmetology from 1987-1991 and 1994-1998, including executive officer of the board.

Brown moved to the department’s California Architects Board in 1998 as a program administrator and stayed two years before being named chief deputy director of the DCA in 1999. In 2004, she became chief deputy registrar at the Contractors State License Board and held that post until 2009. She was most recently an advisor to the executive officer and staff of the California Air Resources Board from 2009-2011.


Governor Davis Names Department of Consumer Affairs Appointments (CBS Business Library)

Governor Brown Announces Appointments (California Progress Report)

Calif. Governor Brown Announces Appointments (California newswire)

DCA Leadership

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